Exploring Kotlin’s SharedFlow: A Powerful Tool for Reactive Programming

Jay Patel
3 min readApr 19, 2024


In the realm of reactive programming, developers often seek tools that provide seamless communication between different components of their application. Kotlin, with its versatile features and expressive syntax, offers a solution in the form of SharedFlow. SharedFlow is a powerful tool for managing streams of data in a reactive and asynchronous manner. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what SharedFlow is, how it works, and why it’s a valuable addition to any Kotlin developer’s toolkit.

Understanding SharedFlow

SharedFlow is a hot reactive stream in Kotlin’s coroutines library. It allows multiple subscribers to receive emitted values asynchronously, making it an ideal choice for scenarios where multiple parts of an application need to react to changes in data.

Unlike a regular flow, which is cold and starts emitting values only when it’s collected, a SharedFlow is always active, emitting values to all its subscribers as soon as they’re available. This makes it perfect for scenarios where you want to share a stream of data among multiple consumers without triggering separate emissions for each subscriber.

Key Features of SharedFlow

1. Asynchronous and Concurrent Consumption: SharedFlow allows multiple subscribers to consume emitted values concurrently and asynchronously. Each subscriber receives emitted values independently, allowing for efficient processing of data streams.

2. Back Pressure Support: SharedFlow provides built-in support for back pressure, enabling subscribers to control the rate at which they consume values. This ensures that subscribers can handle emissions at their own pace, preventing overload and resource exhaustion.

3. Lifecycle Awareness: SharedFlow is designed to be lifecycle-aware, making it well-suited for Android development. Subscribers can automatically start and stop observing the flow based on their lifecycle, minimizing resource leaks and improving memory management.

4. Configurable Sharing Strategy: SharedFlow offers configurable sharing strategies, allowing developers to customize how emissions are shared among subscribers. Whether you need to broadcast values to all subscribers or only to those that are actively collecting, SharedFlow provides flexibility to meet various use cases.

Practical Use Cases

1. Real-Time Data Updates: SharedFlow is ideal for scenarios where real-time data updates need to be propagated to multiple parts of an application. Whether it’s updating UI components in response to user actions or synchronizing data across different modules, SharedFlow simplifies the process of broadcasting changes efficiently.

2. Event Bus Implementation: SharedFlow can serve as a lightweight event bus for inter-component communication. Events or messages can be emitted to the SharedFlow from various parts of the application, and subscribers can react to these events asynchronously, decoupling components and promoting modular design.

3. State Management: SharedFlow can be leveraged for managing application state in reactive architectures. By emitting state updates through a SharedFlow, different parts of the application can observe and react to changes in state, facilitating a reactive and responsive user experience.

Getting Started with SharedFlow

To start using SharedFlow in your Kotlin project, you’ll need to include the kotlinx.coroutines library in your dependencies. SharedFlow is part of the coroutines library and is readily available for use once you have the necessary dependencies set up.

Here’s a basic example of how you can create and use a SharedFlow:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
val sharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Int>()

val job1 = launch {
sharedFlow.collect { value ->
println("Job 1 received: $value")

val job2 = launch {
sharedFlow.collect { value ->
println("Job 2 received: $value")

delay(1000) // Simulating some delay


In this example, we create a MutableSharedFlow of integers and launch two coroutines to collect values from the SharedFlow. We then emit two integers to the SharedFlow, which are received by both coroutines concurrently.


Kotlin’s SharedFlow is a versatile tool for managing streams of data in reactive applications. With its support for asynchronous and concurrent consumption, back pressure handling, lifecycle awareness, and configurable sharing strategies, SharedFlow provides developers with a powerful mechanism for communicating and reacting to changes in data.

Whether you’re building Android applications, implementing event-driven architectures, or managing application state in reactive systems, SharedFlow offers a flexible and efficient solution for your reactive programming needs. By incorporating SharedFlow into your Kotlin projects, you can simplify complex data flow scenarios and build more responsive and scalable applications.

